PEWNY - parcheggio Katowice

Parking near Katowice - Pyrzowice Airport.

Secure parking with a monitoring system, insured and supervised. The parking is located close to the airport with an option for transfers to and from the airport around the clock.

Per saperne di più

Con il Share.P sistema è possibile:

Controllate la stazione dall'app, senza schede RFID!

Guadagnare un reddito extra con la tariffazione.

Price list for Pewny Parking in Katowice near Airport.

Tariffe orarie


1 day – 70/80 PLN

2 days – 80/90 PLN

3 days – 90/100 PLN

4 days – 100/110 PLN

5 days – 110/130 PLN

6 days – 110/140 PLN

1week – 120/150 PLN


The winter price list is valid from October to April.

The summer price list is valid from May to September.



8 days – 120/160 PLN

9 days – 130/170 PLN

10 days – 140/180 PLN

11 days – 150/190 PLN

12 days – 160/200 PLN

13 days – 170/210 PLN

14 days – 180/220 PLN

15 days – 190/230 PLN

Reservations can be made via telephone, email, or through a form available on the parking website.

Each subsequent day started + 10 PLN

Stazioni di ricarica EV

Non ci sono ancora stazioni di ricarica in questa località.

Regole aggiuntive

Payment by cash only.

Parking time is calculated as 24 hours from the moment the car is left in the parking lot.

Upon customer request, our company issues invoices for parking services.

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