Parking in Przemysl zones

Paid Parking Zone in Przemysl has been in force since 2003 – however it is still valid in 2022.
Parking tickets can only be purchased at marked kiosks or from Zone staff.
Parking rates in Przemyśl
Paid Parking Zone:
Fees are collected Monday through Friday from 7:00 to 18:00
and on Saturdays from 7:00 to 14:00
- PLN 1.00 single parking ticket for one hour of parking;
- PLN 1.00 for each subsequent commenced parking hour;
Subscriptions type A and A0 may be issued to the bearer, omitting the vehicle registration number entry and marked “bearer”
Subscription type A
entitles to park vehicles in all hours
- PLN 70.00 per month;
Subscription type A0
entitles to park vehicles for the period of a designated month in the hours indicated therein
- PLN 1.00 per every specified hour;
Subscription type A1
entitles to parking business vehicles owned by local government budget zone units having their seat on the area of the Przemyśl Municipality as well as for residents of houses on streets included in the zone, provided that they park their vehicles only on the streets they live on or directly adjacent to
- PLN 15.00 per month;
Subscription type A2
entitles to park – used for official purposes in the mode and under the rules provided for in separate regulations – vehicles owned by employees of the Przemyśl units
- PLN 25.00 per month;
Zero fees for
- Electric vehicles;
- the Police, the Road Transport Inspection, the Internal Security Agency, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the State Fire Department, fire protection units, the Border Guard, the ambulance service, the Penitentiary Service, the Customs Service, road administration authorities, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland as well as the armed forces of foreign countries, if an international agreement to which the Republic of Poland is a party so provides, used
used in rescue operations or in the event of a natural disaster; - unmarked vehicles, owned by the units of Przemyśl, provided that they have an identifier, the issuance of which is subject to the presentation of a written request of a person authorized to make declarations of intent on behalf of the unit, containing data on the make, type and registration number of the vehicle;
Additional fee
- PLN 50.00 if the fee is not paid.
Map of paid car parks in the Przemysl paid parking zone in 2022
Uchwała Nr 156/2003 Rady Miejskiej w Przemyślu z dnia 11 grudnia 2003 r.