Parking in Zabrze zone

Paid Parking Zone in Zabrze
Payments can be made on the street at the parking meter with cash or card.
Parking fees in Zabrze
Paid Parking Zone
payment is valid from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00
- PLN 1.50 for the first hour of parking;
- PLN 1.80 for the second hour of parking;
- PLN 2.00 for the third hour of parking;
- PLN 1.50 for the fourth and each subsequent hour of parking;
Subscription for residents
for persons residing in the Zabrze Zone, issued for one vehicle
- PLN 30.00 for six months;
- PLN 50.00 for one year;
Public subscpription
on working days
- PLN 100.00 per month;
- PLN 450.00 for six months;
- PLN 800.00 for one year;
Green vehicle subscription
for hybrid car vehicles (with less than 100 g/km of CO2 emissions)
- PLN 5.00 for one year;
Zero fees for
- vehicles of the Police, the Road Transport Inspection, the Internal Security Agency, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the State Fire Service, fire protection units. Border Guard, ambulance service, Penitentiary Service, Customs Service;
- Road administration vehicles;
- vehicles of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland;
- vehicles used in rescue or in case of natural disaster;
- School buses transporting children to school;
- electric vehicles referred to in Article 2(12) of the Act of 11 January 2018 on electromobility and alternative fuels;
- Those using a public road in the event that they are making a humanitarian or medical aid ride;
- Persons holding parking cards within the meaning of Article 8 of the Road Traffic Law Act (consolidated text Dz. U. No. 58 of 04.04.2003, item 515 as amended), if a vehicle marked with a parking card is parked in a place designated for vehicles so marked;
- marked technical vehicles of municipal services;
- vehicles between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. (on the basis of a goods receipt invoice) for a parking period of up to 30 minutes necessary for the delivery of supplies, with the time of commencement of the parking marked in a visible place behind the
- vehicle windscreen (using a time card or a sheet of paper with the time of commencement of the parking)
- permanently marked vehicles of institutions providing transportation to disabled persons with impaired mobility.
Additional fees
for not paying the parking fee or exceeding the parking time
- PLN 20.00 in case of payment within 7 days;
- PLN 50.00 after 7 days;